City of Beaverton

News Feed

City Flower Planting

City Flower Planting

It was all about planting flowers in the City of Beaverton this past Saturday.  Numbers of volunteers came out to make quick work of planting hundreds of flowers in DDA Flower pots and along M-18, Brown Street, and other areas around the community.  Mayor Ray Nau,...

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Notice of Project Planning Public Hearing

Notice of Project Planning Public Hearing

Please CLICK HERE to view the NOTICE. The City of Beaverton will hold a public hearing on the proposed Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Project Plan for the purpose of receiving comments from interested persons. The hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May...

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Mosquito Control Begins during the month of May

Mosquito Control Begins during the month of May

If you would like to opt your property out of mosquito control, please complete the APM "Opt Out" form and return it to the City of Beaverton or APM Mosquito Control. The address and email for APM Mosquito Control are listed on the form. Please CLICK HERE to view the...

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City of Beaverton Logo

Beaverton is a vibrant community with a friendly small-town atmosphere; offering year-round events. Beaverton remains a walkable city with a strong sense of community that is seldom found in this busy world. Come share the beauty, charm and history of Beaverton.

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128 Saginaw St., P.O. Box 477, Beaverton, MI 48612

City Hall Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 7:00 am - 5:30 pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed