Water / Sewer / Trash
Suspect a Leak in Your System? Click Here for Tips
Click Here if You Need EMERGENCY Bill Payment Assistance
Utility Change Forms are Available at City Hall or Click Here to View
You Can Schedule One Large Item Pick up per Week, Contact Republic Services to Schedule
Water & Sewer
If you have any questions regarding your utility bill, please contact us at City Hall during normal business hours of operation:
Monday – Thursday: 7:00 am – 5:30 pm
Each household/business is billed bi-monthly, a ready-to-serve fee to cover the costs associated with the operation, maintenance, and upgrades of the Water and Wastewater Utilities. Each household/business is also billed per 1,000 gallons of water and sewer usage which is read by a Neptune radio read water meter reading system. Water meters are read the last week of the following months: January, March, May, July, September, and November. Water and sewer bills are then due before the close of business on the 21st of each even month. If the 21st falls on a weekend or a city paid holiday the due date will be extended to the next regular business day. Your water and sewer bill also includes your weekly trash pickup fee. The City Treasurer oversees the utility billing. The City of Beaverton accepts cash, checks, money orders, and credit or debit cards as forms of payment.
Need EMERGENCY Bill Payment Assistance? Contact Mid Michigan Community Action Agency at 989.426.2801 or [email protected].
Current Water & Sewer Rates - July 2022 Through Present
Water Rates
Sewer Rates
(in City Limits):
- (RW) Water Ready to Serve fee:
In-District pipe delivery size:
3/4″ = $65.75
1″ = $108.50
1.5″ = $216.25
2″ = $345.50
3″ = $646.50
4″ = $1,075.75 - (WU) Water Usage per 1,000 Gallons: $4.75
- (RS) Sewer Ready to Serve fee:
In-District pipe delivery size:
3/4″ = $51.85
1″ = $86.75
1.5″ = $173.50
2″ = $277.50
3″ = $520.25
4″ = $867.00 - (SU) Sewer usage per 1,000 Gallons: $5.70
- Past Due Utility fee is 10% of Current Unpaid Charges
- 24-hour Shut-off Hand Delivery fee $25.00
- If your water is shut-off for non-payment you will be charged a $50.00 turn off fee, plus your entire water bill will be due in full, and the Water and Sewer ready to serve fee’s will continue to be charged.
- Reconnect fee determined by time of turn on
- Turn on/off fee for seasonal residents $50.00, with a 48-hour notice per occurrence. The Water and Sewer ready to serve fee’s will continue to be charged.
- Turn on/off fee for homes that are for sale $50.00, with a 48-hour notice per occurrence. The Water and Sewer ready to serve fee’s will continue to be charged.
(Outside City Limits):
- (RW Out) Water Ready to Serve fee:
Out-District pipe delivery size:
3/4″ = $85.50
1.5″ = $281.25 - (WU Out) Water Usage per 1,000 Gallons: $6.15
- (RS Out) Sewer Ready to Serve fee:
In-District pipe delivery size:
3/4″ = $59.75
1.5″ = $238.75 - (SU Out) Sewer usage per 1,000 Gallons: $7.35
2022 Water & Sewer
Resident Seasonal Watering Program 2022 Opt-In Form
(in City Limits):
- (RW) Water Ready to Serve fee:
In-District pipe delivery size:
3/4″ = $73.64
1″ = $121.52
1.5″ = $242.20
2″ = $386.96
3″ = $724.08
4″ = $1,204.84 - (WU) Water Usage per 1,000 Gallons: $5.32
- (RS) Sewer Ready to Serve fee:
In-District pipe delivery size:
3/4″ = $59.63
1″ = $99.76
1.5″ = $199.53
2″ = $319.13
3″ = $598.29
4″ = $997.05 - (SU) Sewer usage per 1,000 Gallons: $6.56
- Past Due Utility fee is 10% of Current Unpaid Charges
- 24-hour Shut-off Hand Delivery fee $25.00
- If your water is shut-off for non-payment you will be charged a $50.00 turn-off fee, plus your entire water bill will be due in full, and the Water and Sewer ready to serve fees will continue to be charged.
- Reconnect fee determined by time of turn on
- Turn on/off fee for seasonal residents $50.00,with a 48-hour notice per occurrence. The Water and Sewer ready-to-serve fees will continue to be charged.
- Turn on/off fee for homes that are for sale $50.00, with a 48-hour notice per occurrence. The Water and Sewer ready-to-serve fees will continue to be charged.
(Outside City Limits):
- (RW Out) Water Ready to Serve fee:
Out-District pipe delivery size:
3/4″ = $95.76
1.5″ = $315.00
(WU Out) Water Usage per 1,000 Gallons: $6.89
/ Sewer Ready to Serve fee:
In-District pipe delivery size:
3/4″ = $68.71
1.5″ = $238.75
(SU Out) Sewer usage per 1,000 Gallons: $8.45
2021 Water & Sewer
2020 Water & Sewer
2019 Water & Sewer
Seasonal Watering Program – “Opt-In” FORM HERE
If I water my yard or need to fill my pool up, can I get a break on the sewer gallon usage charge?
Yes, Through the months of May, June, July, and August any resident that fills out an “Opt-In” form put out by the City of Beaverton and turns it in personally to the Treasurer at the City Hall, will have their water bills manually averaged going over the past two years comparing summer usage to other months usage. If the average during summer months amounts to 1000 gallons above normal usage from other months, the sewer portion of the resident’s bill will be adjusted down. All water usage will be billed at a metered rate according to the actual amount of water used, but sewer will be based upon an average that may reflect a smaller usage rate.
• Only residents who turn in the “Seasonal Watering Program Opt-In” Form by July 1, 2024 will be eligible.
Water Supply Quality Consumer Confidence Reports
- 2023 Consumer Confidence Report for Community Water Supply
- 2022 Consumer Confidence Report for Community Water Supply
- 2021 Consumer Confidence Report for Community Water Supply
- 2020 Consumer Confidence Report for Community Water Supply
- 2019 Consumer Confidence Report for Community Water Supply
- 2018 Consumer Confidence Report for Community Water Supply
- 2017 Consumer Confidence Report for Community Water Supply
(GB) Garbage Information
Bi-monthly Garbage Service Rates beginning February 2023 – $33.34
Bi-monthly Garbage Service Rates beginning February 2024 – $35.00
Bi-monthly Garbage Service Rates beginning February 2025 – $36.74
Bi-monthly Garbage Service Rates beginning February 2026 – $38.58
Bi-monthly Garbage Service Rates beginning February 2027 – $40.50
Bi-monthly Garbage Service Rates beginning February 2028 – $42.54
In February 2019, the City contracted City garbage services through Republic Services. In February 2024 the City renewed a five-year contract with Republic Services. Pick-up will remain weekly on Tuesdays. Please have your waste containers out no later than 6:00 am.
Republic Services will pick up one large item per week with your trash pickup, if they are contacted before trash pickup occurs.
You can contact Republic Services at 800.858.0089.
If you have other concerns regarding trash pickup you can contact Janelle Keen at City Hall during normal business hours of operation:
Monday – Thursday: 7:00 am – 5:30 pm
989.435.3511, ext. 3.


Beaverton is a vibrant community with a friendly small-town atmosphere; offering year-round events. Beaverton remains a walkable city with a strong sense of community that is seldom found in this busy world. Come share the beauty, charm and history of Beaverton.
Contact Us
Visit Us
128 Saginaw St., P.O. Box 477, Beaverton, MI 48612
City Hall Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7:00 am - 5:30 pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed