Downtown Development Authority
Downtown Development Authority
“Our goal is to improve the community in any way possible, but all leading back to an improved climate for businesses including health and manufacturing and the attraction of customers, including new residents.” said current DDA Chair, Scott Govitz.
DDA News!
Board Members
Scott Govitz, Chair, Resident
Ray Nau, Mayor
Jennifer Harper, Council Member
Shannon Sirpilla, City Manager (non-voting)
Michael Martin, Business
Kurt Grove, Business
Lou Stornello, Business
Cindy Trumble, Business
James Wyrembelski, Business
Autumn Matthews, Education
Amy Tenwalde, Business
The Beaverton DDA, a separate and appointed board within the City, is comprised of two City Council members, a number of businesses owners, educators and others interested in improving the community and business climate.
DDA Development Plant & Tax Increment Financing Plan – 2019
Director of Downtown & Community Development (Contracted Position)
Matthew Lang
[email protected]
How The DDA Works (click to expand)
The DDA works through the creation of a special taxing district that is established when a plan is drawn up. The district is primarily the entire business frontage along M-18, Brown Street, and Industrial Park that allows for projects and spending receipts to then improve those areas with community input.
Downtown Development TIF Plan
21-22 Fiscal Year Budget DDA
Click here for all DDA files
DDA Parcels
DDA Updates (click to expand)
Of late, the DDA has been in the process of gaining public input into its next iteration of planning that will lead to a lot more improvements for years to come. Special meetings seeking input, online surveys and more public hearings will be held to hear from the community about the plans being drawn.
Over the past decade plus, since the existing DDA was put into motion, the DDA has been responsible for or involved in a number of projects including:
- Installation of existing streetscape along M-18 and Brown Street corridor
- Parking improvements
- Tree planting
- Park improvements
- Assistance in program offerings including music events
- Farmers market
- Sound and electrical system improvements in Ross Lake Park
- Several business façade improvement grants
- Entry signs to the community
- Improvements to sidewalks
- Seasonal Building Lights
- Hanging flower baskets
- MSHDA – NEP match grants
Bike Path | Connecting Beaverton & Gladwin
The DDA is also currently working on a project that will tie the communities of Beaverton and Gladwin together with a bike path between the cities and will include improved parking near the hydroelectric facility, with new boat launch. According to Govitz, the great part about this project is the project cost was reduced significantly due to a number of grants received from private foundations, public bodies, business and the MDNR. However, without the ability to match some of these dollars with our own DDA funds, the projects simply would not be possible.
DDA Meeting Minutes
DDA Meeting Minutes
DDA Meetings are held at 5:15pm on the Second Monday of each month at Beaverton City Hall, 128 Saginaw Street.
Follow Our DDA Projects
MSHDA (Michigan State Housing Development Authority) & The NEP (Neighborhood Enhancement Program)
547 Lang Road
529 Lang Road
503 Lang Road
124 Tonkin Street
304 Brown Street

Beaverton is a vibrant community with a friendly small-town atmosphere; offering year-round events. Beaverton remains a walkable city with a strong sense of community that is seldom found in this busy world. Come share the beauty, charm and history of Beaverton.
Contact Us
Visit Us
128 Saginaw St., P.O. Box 477, Beaverton, MI 48612
City Hall Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7:00 am - 5:30 pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed